Git branch naming conventions
This evolved through discussion on
It is useful to follow consistent branch naming conventions to help with review and transparency (and autocomplete!).
In general for each repository, we will have one or more permanent development branches, named 1.x / 2.x / 3.x in line with the major versions that are being supported.
When making changes, we try to branch off the permanent development branch with a temporary working branch that follows certain naming conventions.
These temporary branches usually fall into the following categories:
- feature: longer term branches that take time (features) and need more review before merging
- fix: fixes that are irritants or bugs that want merging at regular intervals to improve the product
- hotfix: issues that need fixing out of normal process and need to be released as soon as possible
Feature branches
When working on a feature or substantial changes, we branch off the main branch to create a feature
The naming convention for feature branch is:
- start with a prefix of
- follow the prefix by the major version branch we branched from (eg 1.x or 2.x) if relevant
- continue with the issue number and a descriptive branch name separated with hyphens.
For example: feature/2.x/123-nice-new-thing
Fix (or bugfix) branches
When working to troubleshoot and fix a bug or problem in the codebase, we branch off the main branch to create a fix
The naming convention for fix branch is:
- start with a prefix of
- follow the prefix by the major version branch we branched from (eg 1.x or 2.x) if relevant
- continue with the issue number and a descriptive branch name separated with hyphens
For example: fix/2.x/124-fix-views-listing-paragraph
Hotfix branches
For super urgent issue that need fixing out of normal process and released asap, we can prefix the branch with hotfix
The naming convention for fix branch is:
- start with a prefix of
- follow the prefix by the major version branch we branched from (eg 1.x or 2.x) if relevant
- continue with the issue number and a descriptive branch name separated with hyphens
For example: hotfix/2.x/125-fix-composer-install-error
Other notes
Some repositories on;y have one main development branch. In this case it is reasonable to omit the 2.x portion, resulting in branches named like: